Why Contribute?
ERF launches careers of physicians, scientists and technologists by providing early and essential financial support. These funds allow for cutting edge pilot research and make it possible for students and trainees to expand their knowledge base through educational activities or rigorous academic study.
Unrestricted gifts are among the most valuable to ERF, because they allow the Foundation to allocate funds wherever the need is greatest, and to take advantage of unique opportunities as they arise. Your contribution may be used to support costs associated with providing or administering education programs, research grants, awareness, outreach and much more. Supporting ERF through an unrestricted gift would include the Foundation Fund.
You also have the option of designating your gift for directed purposes or for the endowment.
Directed gifts allow you to designate your donation to a specific grant, award, scholarship, particular specialty, career field, or a priority area that the Foundation supports. When you make a directed gift to ERF, you enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting a program that is personally meaningful to you. Supporting ERF through a directed gift would include the following funds:
- The Curie Fund for Women in Leadership
- The SNMMI Grants and Awards Fund
- The ACNM Fund
Endowed gifts provide security over the long term by expanding the Foundation’s permanent financial base and creating a predictable source of future income for such things as endowed fellowships, research grants, technologist scholarships, or named awards. Supporting ERF through an endowed gift would include the following funds:
- The Paul Cole Endowed Technologist Scholarship Fund
- The SRS Hot Atom Fund
- The Hyman Ghesani Fund
- The Paul Aebersold Fund
- The Richard L. Wahl Mid Career Leadership Award
- An Endowed Scholarship Program You Create
Ways To Give
The SNMMI Grants And Awards Fund:
For over four decades ERF has supported the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) Grants, Awards and Scholarship program.
Each year we provide close to $300,000 to the SNMMI to provide grants, awards and scholarships to its members.
With the exception of two Professional Development and Education Fund (PDEF) Awards, ERF is the sole source of the SNMMI Grants Program. Gifts to this fund support:
- Major Research Grants
- SNMMI Molecular Imaging Research Grant for a Junior Academic Faculty
- SNMMI Postdoctoral Molecular Imaging Scholar Program
- SNMMI Predoctoral Molecular Imaging Scholar Program
- Merit
- Young Investigator (Council) Award
- CMIIT Laboratory Professionals Awards
- Loevinger Berman Award (MIRD Committee)
- Abstract Awards
- Fellowships
- Travel Awards
- SNMMI Travel Awards
- JNM YIA Best Paper Travel Awards
- Technologist Awards
- Scholarships
- JNMT Best Paper
- Outstanding Technologist and Educator Awards
- Abstract Awards
- Bachelor’s Degree Scholarships
- Advanced Practitioner Scholarships
- SNMMI-TS Master’s Program
The Paul Cole Endowed Technologist Scholarship Fund:
This hallmark endowed program funded by ERF helps to support students who continue to pursue their dreams in the nuclear medicine profession. Donations go directly to SNMMI-TS to support Paul Cole Scholarship winners.
Established in the memory of Paul Cole, a champion of student education and former president of the SNMTS, the scholarships are based on financial need, academic performance and program director recommendations. Nearly 350 technologist students demonstrating academic excellence and financial needs have received assistance through the ERF’s Paul Cole Scholarship and have completed their certificate, associate or bachelor’s degrees.
ACNM Fund:
The Foundation Fund:
Contributions may be used to support costs associated with providing or administering education programs, research grants, awareness, outreach and much more.
The Hyman Ghesani Fund:
The Hyman Ghesani Fund began several years ago with a donation by Mr. Morton Hyman, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Continuum Health Partners at that time, to honor Dr. Munir Ghesani, his personal nuclear medicine physician. Dr. Ghesani immediately put these funds to use by creating the Hyman-Ghesani RAD-AID SNMMI Global Health Scholarship. Each year, US nuclear medicine professionals are invited to apply for these awards. The selection committee reviews all the applications and determines two finalists to work with Dr. Ghesani for one year toward the goal of advancing the nuclear medicine practice in East Africa.
We continue to seek donations to this campaign with the hope of not only expanding the work that is being done, but also to permanently endow it to last in perpetuity.
Our primary goal is to improve access and quality to medical imaging for populations in poor and medically under-served regions of the world. The funds raised in this campaign will allow each award recipient to make a two-week visit to Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, the host institution in Africa, to share imaging protocols, best practices and radiation safety concepts in nuclear medicine, attend multidisciplinary conferences with the clinical colleagues and show pertinent cases, and deliver presentations at the educational sessions/events.
In addition to improving access to and quality of imaging for patients, recipients of these awards also gain access to education and research opportunities as well. They participate in educational training, research, and direct on-site assistance in medical imaging and strategic planning of new imaging services.
At the conclusion of this experience, the awardees give a brief presentation at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting, providing a summary of their award experience.
There is no better way to see the impact of philanthropy than through the stories of the people involved. By honoring his friendship with and the generosity of Mr. Hyman, Dr. Ghesani has provided a prolific grant that is both timely and relevant to our field. Please consider a donation to the Campaign for Africa Research and Education and help us advance access and quality of the nuclear medicine practice in this under-served region.
Our primary goal is to improve access and quality to medical imaging for populations in poor and medically under-served regions of the world. The funds raised in this campaign will allow each award recipient to make a two-week visit to Aga Khan Hospital, Dar es Salaam, the host institution in Africa, to share imaging protocols, best practices and radiation safety concepts in nuclear medicine, attend multidisciplinary conferences with the clinical colleagues and show pertinent cases, and deliver presentations at the educational sessions/events.
In addition to improving access to and quality of imaging for patients, recipients of these awards also gain access to education and research opportunities as well. They participate in educational training, research, and direct on-site assistance in medical imaging and strategic planning of new imaging services.
At the conclusion of this experience, the awardees give a brief presentation at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting, providing a summary of their award experience.
There is no better way to see the impact of philanthropy than through the stories of the people involved. By honoring his friendship with and the generosity of Mr. Hyman, Dr. Ghesani has provided a prolific grant that is both timely and relevant to our field. Please consider a donation to the Campaign for Africa Research and Education and help us advance access and quality of the nuclear medicine practice in this under-served region.
The Curie Fund For Women In Leadership:
The Madame Marie Curie Fund has been created to help women advance to major administrative positions in academia (chairs of departments, deans, etc.) and/or leadership positions within a professional society such as SNMMI.
It is essential that the field of medicine reflects the diverse community that it serves. Sadly, when it comes to women in leadership, it does not. Although there has been a continuous increase in the number of women working in the field of medicine, women rarely reach the highest academic positions as full professors or editorial board members. In fact, despite the fact that women make up approximately half of all medical students and residents and one-third of full-time faculty, women remain underrepresented in leadership positions.
The picture does not change when it comes to NM/MI’s professional associations; the SNMMI has had only three female presidents in its sixty-year history. It is critical that women who aspire to leadership positions within their institutions or within the Society gain access to training and networking opportunities that will equip them for the voyage to do so.
Several senior women members of the SNMMI have come forward to establish the Curie Women in Leadership Fund to ensure that access to such opportunities is there for the next generation. Proceeds from this directed fund will be used to provide an annual networking session at the SNMMI Annual Meeting, including speakers and educational programming. Topics will include career building, life-work balance, other critical knowledge and skill-building experiences in core areas vital to leadership and management.
Consider joining us.
Founder’s Circle: $10,000+ (payable over 5 years)
Naomi Alazraki and Andrew Taylor
Jessica Bede
Cardinal Health
Eva Dubovsky
Lorraine Fig
Leonie Gordon
Helen Nadel
Moira Stilwell and Samuel Lichtenstein
Leadership Circle: $5,000 – $9,999 (payable over 5 years)
Sue Abreu
Sally Schwarz
Friends: <$5,0000
Carolyn Anderson
Twyla Bartel
Paige Bennett
Valerie Cronin
Cathy Cutler
Gary Dillehay
Monika Kief-Garcia
Bennett Greenspan
Peter Herscovitch
Kristina Hoque
Warren Janowitz
Cecilia Jude
Angela Kohn
Ruth Lim
Carolyn MacFarlane
Darlene Metter
Todd Peterson
Bijal Shah
Anna Wu
Jian Yu and Yan Wang
Planned Giving/Estate Planning:
Considering a planned gift allows you to support ERF while providing you a way to redirect your taxes to benefit your family, your community and a mission to which we are all dedicated. Visit the ERF Legacy Club site to learn more: ERF Legacy Club